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Ng Yuan Siang (黄远翔)


Languages | English | Mandarin | Hokkien

Ng Yuan Siang (黄远翔)


Languages | English | Mandarin | Hokkien

Yuan Siang graduated magna cum laude from Singapore Management University in 2021, placing on the Dean’s List for the academic years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. He was called to the Bar in 2022, obtaining two distinctions in Part B of the 2021 Singapore Bar Examinations in the process.

Yuan Siang joined Eugene Thuraisingam LLP because the firm’s commitment to access to justice resonated strongly with him. Since getting called to the Bar, Yuan Siang has appeared in a wide variety of civil and criminal proceedings, including cases involving novel points of law as well as appeals before the High Court and the Court of Appeal. He has argued civil and criminal matters in the General Division of the High Court and the State Courts, including an appeal before the General Division of the High Court.

Yuan Siang has been endorsed by clients for his “humanity, reliability, passion … and professionalism”.

Yuan Siang is interested in both civil and criminal litigation and has published in both these areas.

Outside of law, Yuan Siang has led and participated in several refugee-related initiatives. He enjoys watching movies and reading.

From The Desk Of Ng Yuan Siang

The Modes of Recovery of Stolen Cryptocurrency Assets in Singapore

The Modes of Recovery of Stolen Cryptocurrency Assets in Singapore

This article discusses how the Singapore court has dealt with some of the novel points of law on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies, and analyses the potential challenges ahead.

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international arbitration case update - the grounds for setting aside an arbitral award

Clarifying the grounds for setting aside an arbitral award

In this international arbitration case update, we summarise the salient points of the latest decision by the Court of Appeal’s CKH v CKG [2022] SGCA(I) 4.

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Client Feedback

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Seriousness, preparation, honesty, competence, patience, humanity, sensitivity, reliability, speed, passion, availability, professionalism are just some of the many values ​​that distinguish the Eugene Thuraisingam LLP law firm... The lawyers Chooi Jing Yen and Ng Yuan Siang promptly placed themselves at my complete disposal, answering in depth and with great competence and precision to all my questions ... The law firm Eugene Thuraisingam LLP is a real guarantee, I absolutely recommend it!!! You will find professionals with excellent preparation, high professionalism, commendable dedication, a great sense of humanity, empathy and honesty, able to listen and perfectly understand the needs of even those who, like me, find themselves on the other part of the planet!
Seriousness, preparation, honesty, competence, patience, humanity, sensitivity, reliability, speed, passion, availability, professionalism are just some of the many values ​​that distinguish the Eugene Thuraisingam LLP law firm... The lawyers Chooi Jing Yen and Ng Yuan Siang promptly placed themselves at my complete disposal, answering in depth and with great competence and precision to all my questions ... The law firm Eugene Thuraisingam LLP is a real guarantee, I absolutely recommend it!!! You will find professionals with excellent preparation, high professionalism, commendable dedication, a great sense of humanity, empathy and honesty, able to listen and perfectly understand the needs of even those who, like me, find themselves on the other part of the planet!
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Sara Pilia