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Singapore Criminal Lawyer Takes on 5 high-profile cases

Our Singapore Criminal Lawyer, Eugene, taking on cases including a double murder

1. Introduction

Our Singapore Criminal Lawyer, Eugene Thuraisingam is the lead counsel in five-high profile cases to be heard this year. These high-profile cases include the Woodlands double murder, separate appeals against jail sentences of the daughter of a prominent Singapore businesswoman and herself, an appeal for a death row inmate, and a judicial application to review the law that criminalises sex between men.

2. Background

Some of the cases that Eugene is representing include:

(a) a double murder where Eugene will be defending the accused, Teo Ghim Heng for murdering his wife, their four-year-old daughter, and for allegedly killing their unborn child as his wife was pregnant when she was murdered;

(b) an appeal for Audrey Tay, the daughter of the founders of the luxury watch retailer The Hour Glass, against her 22-month jail term for drug abuse;

(c) representing Audrey Tay’s mum, Jannie Chan, in a separate appeal for disobeying a court order restraining her from defaming and harassing Henry Tay;

(d) a novel appeal of Nagaenthran, a drug offender who is facing the death penalty. Nagaenthran was not granted a certificate of substantive cooperation by the Prosecutor. The issuance of the certificate is crucial and could have spared Nagaenthran from the noose. Eugene and Suang will raise the issue as to whether the court can intervene against the prosecutor’s decision to issue a certificate of substantive cooperation, on grounds other than bad faith, malice or unconstitutionality; and

(e) a judicial application to review Section 377A of the Penal Code.

3. Eugene comments in The Straits Times

“Our mainstay is good commercial litigation but we also have a soft spot for the underdog. We believe in access to justice for the ordinary person and that is why, where we are able to and there is merit in the case, we do it pro bono. It is our way of giving back to society.” – Eugene Thuraisingam